•2:56 PM

We've visited this farmhouse several times in the past year. I pass it every morning and every evening. The sight of it bothers me terribly, standing all alone at the edge of what was once a corn and soybean field.
It never occurred to me to take a photo when it was still among the living, two summers ago. It was simply that nice white farmhouse, invisible in it's normalcy. One day workmen moved in and made short work of the beautiful mature trees that hugged the home in a protective gesture. The huge oaks stood to the right of the house, and a few more trees out front. It's hard to remember actually.
The next morning I was startled at the sight of the house standing alone. Without the protection and soft green frame of the oaks the home looked cold and foreboding. Now they've dug a deep trench to the left and rear of the house. A strange moat whose purpose for now remains a mystery.
The barns and silos are gone, they've spared the house for some reason.